Fonts used by PS-LATEX

Mario Wolczko
Dept. of Computer Science
The University
Manchester M13 9PL
U.K., mcvax!ukc!man.cs.ux!mario

May 1988

As distributed, PS-LATEX uses the ``standard'' Adobe fonts, namely, the Times1 family, and the Helvetica2, Courier and Symbol fonts. The following table shows how LATEX font-setting commands relate to these fonts:

LATEX command Adobe font
\bf Times-Bold
\it Times-Italic
math Symbol
TFM files for these fonts are on the standard UNIX TeX distribution, and can also be found at some archive servers (such as the Aston server in the UK).

Unfortunately, there is a mismatch between the standard Adobe font set and the range of fonts used by LATEX. This is remedied by using ``derived'' fonts, that is, fonts that are derived from standard ones by simple transformations:

LATEX command derived font
\sl Times-Oblique
\tt Courier-Condensed
\sc Times-SmallCaps
\sf Helvetica-Reduced
math Symbol-Oblique

The device driver must be capable of using these derived fonts. PostScript3code to generate them has been included in a separate file, and TFM files are also provided for them (based on metrics obtained from a Version 42.2 PostScript interpreter). To use PS-LATEX you must be able to download the extra PostScript code to create these fonts prior to printing your job, and your driver must be able to recognise them as device-resident (or, at least, must not look for PK files).